Although the origins of the Dalton Plan in Poland go back to the early 20th century, we had to wait until 2007 when Polish Committee of the World Organization for Early Childhood
Education OMEP during a visit to Holland got in touch with Dalton International for the first time.
We have started in 2009 with attempts to implement the concept in our educational system in three educational institutions: Public Nursery School no. 16 in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, Nursery School no. 31 in Warsaw and Primary School ABIS in Lodz.
Great enthusiasm and determination resulted not only in being awarded the International Daltonschool certificates but also in popularization of Dalton education in our country. In 2011 Polish Association Dalton was established on Katarzyna Dry jas, dr. Ewa Lewandowska and Anna Wróbel’s initiative. The Association developed a training program for teachers and deployed certification system for educational institutions. Currently Polish Association Dalton provides care for over 50 nursery schools and educational institutions in Poland, 23 of which were already awarded the Dalton certificate of our Association. We are in cooperation with many universities, institutions and organizations. As part of this cooperation during the past few years we have organized over 40 conferences where we discussed education on the Dalton plan. Close cooperation with The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw resulted in running a postgraduate course where students can gain knowledge on the Dalton plan. We also organize the Dalton conferences on the annual basis for schools and nursery schools which we support.
The Association also strives to promote the education on the Dalton plan by publishing articles in pedagogical joumals for teachers. In 20 I 0 the Polish translation of Roel Röhner and Hans Wenke ’s book Dalton Plan Pedagogie was published.
We can observe the dynamic development of this new idea for Poland. Both teachers and principals of schools and nursery schools started seeing huge benefits arising from the implementation of the Dalton plan in educational practice.
Also the parents can notice the benefits which makes us very confident of high value of the Dalton Plan in education. Acording to the survey carried out by the Association, all respondents experience significant increase in children´s self-reliance. It is demonstrated in increased activity at home, better time management, work scheduling, decision making and independent solution seeking in various situations. Children are more open and eager to take new chalenges. Some parents claim also that the Dalton Plan helps them to overcome the fear of entrusting their children and allowing them for greater autonomy. It is extremely important in our society which is rather accustomed to being overprotective and doing everything for the child.
Attention was also paid tot children´s increased responsibility for the tasks entrusted to them as well as for the younger sibling at hme and other children in the nursery group. Learning how to cooperate with a partner leads to: eagerness to help others, improvng relations with other children, easiness in participating in the group and making new contacts, sharing toys and organizing joint games without excluding any children.
Parents also notices that their kids feel important and are aware that they can manage in many circumstances.
We, adults, are primary responsible for showing the children a path and support their development. It is important, however, to provide the youg human with a ´key´reasonably fast to make them the owners of their own eduction.
Auteur: Mrs. Katarzyna Dryjas is President of the Polish Association Dalton
Beeld: Roel Röhner